Previous Trips
You will find below links to my previous travel blogs. The approach has changed over the years as well as the quality. I will attempt to clean up areas but for the moment, links to my previous sites will have to suffice.
Previous Blogs
Below are the trips taken since 2013. Click on the links to access the Word Press sites that detail the experiences and the images. As you can see, my skill has evolved over time progressing from very ordinary to passable.
2013 UK & France
Our first trip overseas in 24 years. Myself, Trace & Lauren visited the UK and Paris with side trips to Liverpool & Fromelles thrown in. The start of an obsession as well as friendships.
2015 Europe
This time it was Tracy and myself venturing into new destinations in Europe. First stop UK, then France, Germany, Czech Republic then Italy.A business class upgrade topped it.
2017 Japan
My first trip abroad by myself. It started off as a trip to Melbourne but after being told no, I thought what the heck, if I can't go South of the border, go north ... konnichiwa
2018 Japan
Second trip back to Japan but this time in Spring and with Trace, Luke & Imogen. This one completed the set as it was the first time Luke had travelled overseas. Good times and great Ramen.
2018-19 Europe
Second solo trip, this time through to Europe. Paris, NYE in Annoeullin, Cologne, Berlin and finish off in Dubai. Brunch in Dubai, definitely pleasure & pain.
2019 Japan
Three times a charm as they say in the classics. Great to be back in Japan, especially to be missing the bushfires. Ventured down to Kyushu and up into the mountains.
"It seems that the more places I see and experience, the bigger I realize the world to be. The more I become aware of, the more I realize how relatively little I know of it, how many places I have still to go, how much more there is to learn."
Anthony Bourdain